Billiard Room

Billiards Score Board (2021)

Billiard Score Board

Many Welfare Halls and Institutes across the South Wales coalfield had Billiard Rooms. A report in the Rhondda Leader in 1906 describes the original Reading Room and Institute having "...a billiard room containing two full-sized billiard tables, which is claimed to be one of the finest billiard rooms in the Rhondda Valley." 

In 1933, the new Welfare Hall and Institute had a Billiard Room which contained three full-sized tables.

Terry Williams, local resident and long-time patron of the hall, recalls being allowed to watch snooker being played in the billiard room as a young boy, but not being allowed to play until much older:

"Coming down here, down the snooker hall, we were allowed to watch, but you weren't allowed to play until you were virtually grown up"

Interview with Terry Williams, 17th June 2021

Photograph of Furniture (2021)

Photograph of the chairs that once surrounded the billiard tables.

Billiards Team with Cup and Shield

Photograph of Billiard Team with Cup and Shield, n.d. 

Congratulations to Billiard Team (1937)

Minutes from a meeting at which it was agreed that congratulations be extended to the Billiard Team on their recent success, 1937

Below is a selection of records from the Richard Burton Archives relating to the Hall's Billiard and Games Room.

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