slide, lantern


slide, lantern
Lantern slide. Showing the west colonnade at the temple of Nectanebus at the south end of the Island of Philae. This photograph was taken by Sgt. Johnson of the 436 Welsh Field Company c. 1917. It formed part of a lecture which he gave. The notes from his lecture read 'The thirtyone columns here with fine capitals still support parts of the roof, decorated with vultures with spread wings and stars, while the outer wall decorated with numerous reliefs is mainly intact. Toward the north end of the Colonnade is a well preserved inscription on the wall which states that a certain Ammonius fulfilled a vow made to Isis, Serapis and other gods by presenting to them the worship of his brother and children in the Thirty-first year of Caesar Augustus. Beneath the colonnade is a passage descending to the water which was used as a Nilometer.' This is a similar view to negative EC1705 and to EC1714.
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Egypt Centre